How to configure Search in sharepoint2010?
1)Go to SharePoint Central Administration.2)Click on Application management then select Manage Service application.
3)Click New and select Search Service Application
4)Give a name for your Service application.
5)Select Search Service account or register new Service account in the drop down.
6)Better create a new application pool for your Search service
7)Click on the Search Service Application 1 and next select content source.
8)Add new content give and content source type content willbe crawled
It have sharepoint sites,websites,fileshares,exchange public folders,line of business data,custom repository crawled content source types are there.
9)You have to configure Full and incremental crawl schedules in the preceding screen.
10)Now go back and start a Full crawl.
How to configure FBA in sharepoint2010?
MS SQL database as membership store for users.aspnet_regsql.exe that creates a database for us.
A) Setting up ASP.NET Forms Authentication User and Role Data Source
1. Create Database
2. Configure Membership and Role Provider
3. Create User
B) Create Web Application and Site Collections
a. Go to Central Administration ? Application Management ? Select ‘Manage Web Application’ link present under ‘Web Applications’ section.
b. Click on ‘New’ option in the ribbon.
c.Select authentication type as claim based authentication.
d.Next select claimbased authentication types,check enable forms based authentication check box
e.Add membership provider name , role manager name
C) Configure Web.Config file
1. Configuring FBA web application web.config file in Add Connection String,Add Membership Provider and Role Provider.
2. Configuring Central Administration web application web.config file in Add Connection String, Add Membership Provider and Role Provider
3. Configuring Security Token Service web.config file in Add Connection String, Add Membership Provider and Role Provider
D) Adding User Policy to the FBA Web Application
a. Go to Central Administration ? Manage Web Applications ? Select the FBA web application and click on ‘User Policy’ option in the ribbon.
b.Click on ‘Add Users’ link and select ‘Default’ as the zone and click on ‘Next’ button.
how to configure managed metadata service in sharepoint2010
1)Go to the SharePoint central administration , click on Application management and click on the Manage Service Applications.2) Click on new and select Managed Metadata service.
3)Select Managed metadata Service and click on Manage link.Give Term Store Administrator Name.Click Save.
4)From the left hand side menu click on New Group.add group name,group managers, click to save.
5)Next right-click on the group we created and select a TermSet.named as Functions .
6)right click on term set to create a Term for each Function.
7)open sharepoint site to craete custom click on create column ,Select the type as Managed Metadata.
and give Give the term set .
Creating an External Content Type:
1)Open the SharePoint Designer 2010.2)Click Open Site; enter the Site Name in the Open Site dialog box.
3)Select External Content Types in the left Navigation.
4)Click to create a new External Content Type .
5)The External Content Type dialog will be displayed.
6)Enter the Name and Display Name for the external content type .
7)Next click the link, Click here to discover external data sources
8)Click Add a Connection to connect to the database.
9)Select the data source type as sqlserver or wcfservice or .net type.
10)Enter the details about your connection to your SQL Server.
11)Now choose the table Employee_Details which we are going to connect to the SharePoint.
12)Right click the table and select the option, Create All Operations so that you will be able to
read, select, update and delete rows from the database table.
13)Click Next to get to the Parameters page, Select the field that you want to act as an Identifier.
In my case I have selected Emp ID as an identifier.
14)Click Finish.
15)After completing all these steps save the External Content Type.
Creating an External List:
1)Open the SharePoint Designer 2010.2)Select List and Libraries in the left Navigation.
3)External Content Types Picker wizard will pop up select the External Content Type ECT that we have click ok.
4)In the Create external List wizard enter the Name and Description for the External click ok.
configure bcs in sharepoint2010?
1)Go to Central Administration -> Application Management -> Manage Service Applications.2)Click on Business Data Connectivity Service.In the top Ribbon click on Manage.
3)In Service Application Information check the External Content Type ECT.
4)And in the top Ribbon click the Site Object Permissions.
5)Site Object Permissions wizard will pop up add the account (Group or Users) and assign the permissions.
6)Now select Secure Store Service.
7)create new secure store target application, you must first generate a new key for this Secure store service application from the ribbon”.
give target application id from what u have give external content type secure application target id.
8)Click on Generate new key from the ribbon.Enter Credentials owner(full control user like administrator), SQL server Database username and password. Click on ok.
6)Now go to your website and click on external list from quick launch.
How create visual webpart in sharepoint2010?
1) Open Visual Studio 2010.Go to File => New => Project.
Select sharepoint 2010 and choose Empty SharePoint Project. next Click to Add.
Enter the SharePoint server farm URL.
Select 'Deploy it as a Farm Solution".
Click Finish.
2)Right click the Solution Explorer and select Add a new item.
Select Visual Web Part from the installed templates SharePoint and give name.
3)In the solution explorer you could see VisualWebPart1UserControl.ascx.
Open the .ascx file and add controls to design usercontrol.
if u want write any code in ascx.cs file
4)Build the Deploy the solution.
5)Go to the SharePoint site http://servername:2010.
Go to Site Actions=>Edit Page.
In the top ribbon Editing Tools => Insert => Web Part, click on the Web Part.
Go to Categories => Custom, you could see VisualWebPart1 which we have developed using Visual Studio 2010
Select VisualWebPart1 and click on Add.
To configure outgoing e-mail for a farm by using Central Administration
1)In Central Administration, click System Settings.2)On the System Settings page, in the E-Mail and Text Messages (SMS) section, click Configure outgoing e-mail settings.
3)On the Outgoing E-Mail Settings page, in the Mail Settings section, type the SMTP server name for outgoing e-mail (for example, in the Outbound SMTP server box.
4)In the From address box, type the e-mail address as you want it to be displayed to e-mail recipients.
5)In the Reply-to address box, type the e-mail address to which you want e-mail recipients to reply.
6)In the Character set list, select the character set that is appropriate for your language.Click OK.
To configure outgoing e-mail for a specific Web application by using Central Administration
1)In Central Administration, in the Application Management section, click Manage web applications.2)On the Web Applications Management page, select a Web application, and then in the General Settings group on the Ribbon, click Outgoing E-mail.
3)On the Web Application Outgoing E-Mail Settings page, in the Mail Settings section, type the SMTP server name for outgoing e-mail (for example, in the Outbound SMTP server box.
4)In the From address box, type the e-mail address (for example, the site administrator alias) as you want it to be displayed to e-mail recipients.
5)n the Reply-to address box, type the e-mail address (for example, a help desk alias) to which you want e-mail recipients to reply.
6)In the Character set list, click the character set that is appropriate for your language. Click OK.
Creating a custom Master page in SharePoint 2010 using Visual Studio 2010
1)Open Visual Studio 2010.Go to File => New => Project.
Select Empty SharePoint Project from the installed template SharePoint 2010.Enter the Name.Click Ok.
Enter the local site that you want to use it for debugging.Select "Deploy as a sandbox solution".Click Finish.
2)Right click on the solution and click on "Add a new item".
Select the Module template from the installed templates.
Enter the name and click ok.
Rename the Sample.txt to Sample.master.
Replace the code with the following code snippet.
3)Go to the SharePoint Designer.
Open some existing site in the SharePoint Designer 2010.
Go to Navigation => Site Objects =>Master Pages.
Make a copy of v4.master.
Do some modifications in the copy of v4.master and copy the code.
Paste the code in the Sample.master.
4)Publish the master page:
Go to Site Actions => Site Settings =>Galleries => Master pages and page layouts => Module =>Sample.master.
Go to the ECB menu, click on "Check in".
Go to the ECB menu, click on "Publish a major version".
Go to the ECB menu, click on "Approve/Reject".Select the "Approved" option. Click on Ok.
5)Change the master page of the SharePoint site with the custom master page
Go to the SharePoint Site => Site Actions => Site Settings => Site Collection Administration => Site Collection Features.
Activate the following feature "SharePoint Server Publishing Infrastructure".
6)Go to Site Actions => Site Settings =>Site Actions => Manage Site Features.
Activate the following feature "SharePoint Server Publishing".
7)Go to Site Actions => Site Settings => Look and feel => Master Page.
Select the custom master page next click on ok.
creating site definition in sharepoint2010
1) Open Visual Studio 2010.Go to File => New => Project.
Select sharepoint 2010 and choose site definition template. next Click to Add.
Enter the SharePoint server farm URL.
Select 'Deploy it as a Farm Solution".
Click Finish.
2)In Solution Explorer, under the SiteDefinition node, open the onet.xml file.Add the <NavBars> </NavBars> tags.
3)In Solution Explorer, right-click the project, point to Add, and then click New Item.In the list of items, click Visual Web Part.
Open VisualWebPart1UserControl.ascx, right-click the design surface, and then click View add code.
4)To add the Visual Web Part to the default.aspx page.
Open the default.aspx page and add the WebPart register tag.
add our Visual Web Part to the PlaceHolderMain section.
5)ext, run the project and deploy it to SharePoint.
creating list definition in sharepoint2010
1)Start Visual Studio 2010. On the File menu, click New, and then click Project.expand SharePoint, and then click 2010.In the template list, click List Definition.
Under What local site do you want to use for debugging?, select your site.
Click Deploy as a farm solution, and then click Next What is the type of the list definition? list, select Custom List.
Ensure that the Add a list instance for this list definition check box is selected, and then click Finish.
2)In the Solution Explorer, expand ListInstance1 and open the Elements.xml file.
Within the ListInstance element change:the Title,TemplateType attribute .
3)open the Elements.xml file which is on the same level as ListDefinition1.
Within the ListTemplate element tag, change the Type attribute to 10001 and add the DisallowContentTypes=”FALSE” attribute,
next add list fields,create list content type use content type tag.
5)In the Solution Explorer, open Schema.xml
Add the EnableContentTypes=”TRUE” attribute to the List element inside of the Schema.xml file,add listcontent type id.
copy of all list fields from listdefinition elements.xml page,ViewFields element in the 2nd view, BaseViewID="1". which fields should be visible in this particular view.
6)In Solution Explorer, right-click the project, and then select Deploy.
creating contenttype in sharepoint2010
1)Open Visual Studio 2010.Go to File => New => Project.Select 2010 from the installed templates SharePoint and choose Empty SharePoint Project click add.
2)Enter the SharePoint server farm URL.Select 'Deploy it as a Farm Solution".Click Finish.
3)Right click the Solution Explorer and select Add a new item.
Select Content Type from the installed templates SharePoint and name it as CustomContentType.
Choose the base content type from which our custom content type should inherit, I have chosen "Item" as a base content type.
4)Double click the Elements.xml file.
Field tag to add a field to the content type,Create GUID and copy the GUID and paste the field’s ID property.
Then refer the above field in the Field Ref attribute in the xml file.
5)In Solution Explorer, right-click the project, and then select Deploy.
6)Go to list then in the ribbon click on List -> List Settings->Advance Settings and select Allow management of content types? To Yes
7)next Content Types section in click on Add from existing content content types.
creating event receiver in sharepoint2010
1)Open your VS 2010 select SharePoint project(2010) and select Event Receiver.2)Give the URL of the web application where you want to attach this event.
3)Next to select what type of Event Receiver settings you want.List,ListItem,List Email,Web,List Workflow Events
4)select web events,check site being deleted,click finish.add code to web deleting event.
5)the Site Deletion is terminated whenever a user tries to delete the site.
6)Now right click on the solution and select deploy.
7)site settings and select Manage Site Features to activate Event feature .
8)go to site settings and select Delete this site from Site Actions.
9)then you can see our event is fired and will get the following error message whenever a user tries to delete the site.
create connected webparts in sharepoint?
A web part can be 'connected' to another web part to provide some information at run-time.The Provider web part pushes out the contracted information and the Consumer web part is set up to receive and
consume the shared information.
This custom interface will define the data to be shared from the Provider to the Consumer web part.
How to Migrate Sharepoint 2007 to 2010 site?
1. Take the backup of the source site contentDB and restore the same on target server.
2. Create the web application in SharePoint 2010, and then create the site collection (it doesn’t matter what site template you are using for creating site collection).
3. Once finished creating the SharePoint 2010 site, go to central administration --> Manage content databases --> select the web application you created for migration --> click on database --> check in the remove content database --> click ok
2. Create the web application in SharePoint 2010, and then create the site collection (it doesn’t matter what site template you are using for creating site collection).
3. Once finished creating the SharePoint 2010 site, go to central administration --> Manage content databases --> select the web application you created for migration --> click on database --> check in the remove content database --> click ok
4.Go to SharePoint 2010 Management Shell and add the new content database.
New-SPContentDatabase -Name <ContentDbName> -WebApplication <WebApplicationName>
5.Login as Site Owner and select Site Actions > Visual Upgrade.
Select Update the user interface. Click OK.
How to create or deploy Web parts in SharePoint 2010?
Web part: – It is a reusable functionality, which can be inserted onthe web pages and can be configured by the end users. In order to create a web
part, go to Visual Studio and create a new project > select SharePoint tab >
select Visual Web Part > select on which local web site you want to deploy the
web part > click on Validate and Click finish.
Now, in order to deploy the project just go to > Solution Explorer > select your
project > Right click on it > just select deploy.
How to Lock or unlock site collections?
1)In Central Administration, click Application Management.
2)On the Application Management page, in the Site Collections section, click Configure quotas and locks.
3)On the Site Collection Quotas and Locks page, in the Site Lock Information section,
Select Site Collection page to select a site collection.
4)Not locked to unlock the site collection and make it available to users.
Adding content prevented to prevent users from adding new content to the site collection. Updates and deletions are still allowed.
Read-only (blocks additions, updates, and deletions) to prevent users from adding, updating, or deleting content.
No access to prevent users from accessing the site collection and its content. Users who attempt to access the site receive an error.
5)If you select Adding content prevented, Read-only (blocks additions, updates, and deletions), or No access, type a reason for the lock in the Additional lock information box.
6)Click ok.
How to create quota Template in sharepoint?
Quota Templates allow you to manage site collection storage size, warning email, usage and usage email.
- Go to Central Administration > Left Menu > Application Management > Specify Quota Templates
- Select Create a new quota template (or you can edit one that exists here)
- Set Storage Limit Values to desires storage maximum and notification size
- Set Sandboxed Solutions With Code Limits to desired usage per day in points and warning usage level
- Click OK
How to wsp file in sharepoint?
your web-parts,features ,artifacts,.. in SharePoint Project template
using Visual studio 2010 and then you can generate a package file (wsp)
which you can copy this file to production server and deploy there by
the command if it's Farm solution or UI if it's Sandbox solution.
1)adding solution package to server.stsadm.exe -o addsolution -filename myEventCalendarList.wsp
2)Deploying the solution.
Goto, Central Administration > System Settings >Manage farm solutions
Now click your solution from the list (for example, myEventCalendarList.wsp).->click to deploy solution.
3)Enable feature at the site
Go to your Site settings> Site Collection Administration > Site collection features
activate the feature (myEventCalendarList ,for example) that you have
installed. And add that webpart to your site to test.
Configuring SQL Reporting Services in sharepoint2010
1)Open Reporting Services Configuration Manager.
2)choose Web Service URL to configure virtual directory name.
3)Choose create a database or if you already have one choose an existing one.
4) Choose Report Manager URL to configured.
5)go to SharePoint 2010 Central Administration, then General Application Settings,
then choose Reporting Services Integration.Now populate the fields to give report server webservice url.
6)Add a Report Server to the Integration giving database server details.
7)Select Document Library,click on Library Settings for adding content types.
Select Report Server Content Type from Content Types Report Data Source, Report Builder Report,Report Builder Model.
8)upload the sql report file to library to display reports.
1)create an Empty SharePoint 2010 Project,Click ‘OK’ and choose ‘Deploy as a Sandboxed Solution’ option by providing SharePoint Site URL –
2)add a ‘Module’ to our SharePoint project. The modules are used to deploy the files to SharePoint sites. To add a module, right click the SharePoint Empty project and add a new item. Choose ‘Module’ from the SharePoint > 2010 section.
delete ‘Sample.txt’ file and also delete the entry –
3)add create or existing silverlight project.
4)Right click the ‘SLAppModule’ and go to properties. In the properties window, click on ‘Project Output References’ and click on the button in front of it. This will bring up a dialog box. Click on ‘Add’ button. Now in the ‘Deployment Type’ choose ‘Element File’ from the dropdown list.
Then from the ‘Project Name’ dropdown box
5)Go to module in open elements.xml file
give url for xap file deploymeny location
<File Path="SLAppModule\SLDataGridExample.xap" Url="_catalogs/masterpage/SLDataGridExample.xap" />
deploy the solution.
6)xap file deployed in this location ‘http://localhost:21068/_catalogs/masterpage/Forms/AllItems.aspx.
7)Now go to the home page and click on ‘Edit’ page button. Go to ‘Insert Tab’ and click on ‘Web Part’ button. Choose ‘Media and Content’ category > ‘Silverlight web part’ and give xap file url.
Reference link
Deploy Silverlight Application using SharePoint 2010 Project
1)create an Empty SharePoint 2010 Project,Click ‘OK’ and choose ‘Deploy as a Sandboxed Solution’ option by providing SharePoint Site URL –
2)add a ‘Module’ to our SharePoint project. The modules are used to deploy the files to SharePoint sites. To add a module, right click the SharePoint Empty project and add a new item. Choose ‘Module’ from the SharePoint > 2010 section.
delete ‘Sample.txt’ file and also delete the entry –
3)add create or existing silverlight project.
4)Right click the ‘SLAppModule’ and go to properties. In the properties window, click on ‘Project Output References’ and click on the button in front of it. This will bring up a dialog box. Click on ‘Add’ button. Now in the ‘Deployment Type’ choose ‘Element File’ from the dropdown list.
Then from the ‘Project Name’ dropdown box
5)Go to module in open elements.xml file
give url for xap file deploymeny location
<File Path="SLAppModule\SLDataGridExample.xap" Url="_catalogs/masterpage/SLDataGridExample.xap" />
deploy the solution.
6)xap file deployed in this location ‘http://localhost:21068/_catalogs/masterpage/Forms/AllItems.aspx.
7)Now go to the home page and click on ‘Edit’ page button. Go to ‘Insert Tab’ and click on ‘Web Part’ button. Choose ‘Media and Content’ category > ‘Silverlight web part’ and give xap file url.
Reference link
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